hurt with out you | Teen Ink

hurt with out you

February 24, 2014
By PinkiePie123 GOLD, Bellevue, Ohio
PinkiePie123 GOLD, Bellevue, Ohio
12 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Everyday I'm looking for you but all I see is everybody crying. I though I saw you but I don't. People look at me like it I hurt you but I'm hurt to. I tell everyone that you try to hurt me but they think I'm lying. I start to cry because I know what you try to do. Everyday I cry and hurt because what you did to me and what you made me do to you. I wanting to stop and run but you told me to stay. I cry and you laugh and told me I'm fine. I told my family what you did to me and what you told me to do to you. I had mark on me where you hurt me at. But people I did it to myself.
I think why is everybody hurt with out you I know I'm not I'm just hurt of what you did to me and what I did to you

The author's comments:
This is just what happen to one of my friends when they where little and no one believe her but I do and I just think it would be nice if people knew what that person did to her.

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