Snowflakes Fall | Teen Ink

Snowflakes Fall

March 13, 2014
By cupcakequeen59 SILVER, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
cupcakequeen59 SILVER, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trillions of microscopic crystals

Swirl in a frantic wave.
Each with its own intricate design.
Each like a human--
One of a kind.

Snowflakes are reminders
Of the hopes I cherish--
Of the bakery to be opened,
Or the books to be published,
And the long-awaited trip to Italy--
The warm sun on my face.

Trillions of microscopic crystals
Swirl in a frantic wave.
Each with its own intricate design.
Each like a human--
One of a kind.

No two snowflakes are the same--
All beautiful, all unique.
Snowflakes--light and carefree
Like my jovial attitude.
Snowflakes tell the story

Like the ones I love to read--
Of the magic that they bring.

Trillions of microscopic crystals
Swirl in a frantic wave.
Each with its own intricate design.
Each like a human--
One of a kind.

Snowflakes are problems that pile up
That we push aside for another day.
Snowflakes are problems
That clutter up the road,
That must be shoveled away
Again and again.

Trillions of microscopic crystals
Swirl in a frantic wave.
Each with its own intricate design.
Each like a human--
One of a kind.

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