My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

March 27, 2014
By Scrumie_9 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
Scrumie_9 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

What is a hero?
Cape, mask, and a show on a tv channel?
No my hero shoots guns and wears camo
Rides in tanks, jumps from planes, and loads ammo
My Hero,
Hes walked the sands of time
My hero said he isn’t coming back this time
My hero came back, but hes lost his mind
Im glad hes here even though he fears road mines
He doesn’t act the same
And doesn’t answer to his last name
Since my hero did his job
He hasn’t been the same

My hero,
He talks about the horror
Since hes been back hes temper has gotten shorter
My hero,
I serve beside him, our country
The one we have pride in,
My hero doesn’t wear a cape or tights
My hero is here day and night
My hero picks up a gun and fights
My hero, served us well
He said he sent them all to Hell
Hes angry now, I wonder if its me
But the real reason is the soldiers worst enemy
My hero has PTSD

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