My Sister | Teen Ink

My Sister

March 26, 2014
By kelseylong SILVER, Marlton, New Jersey
kelseylong SILVER, Marlton, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We fight, we cry, we scream
We’re nasty, we’re cruel, we’re mean
She knows how to drive me insane
But without her, my life would be mundane
Who would I have to steal my clothes?
Who would know stuff about me that no one knows?
Who would be there to make a mess?
Who would help me pass my tests?
Who would listen no matter how stupid I sound?
When there’s nothing to do, who would be around?
Although she gets on my last nerve,
She gives me unconditional love, that I know I don’t deserve
We may not get along every second, hour, or day,
But I couldn’t imagine my life any other way

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