Give Back | Teen Ink

Give Back

April 4, 2014
By brittakristine BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
brittakristine BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We need to be more grateful.
We never seem to have enough.
They struggle every day, but
don’t get discouraged by the things they lack.
If only we knew how to give back.

We eat at restaurants
They eat out of trash cans
We want Jimmy Choos
They need shoes
We want a better house
They need a home
We want better health care
They need better health.
We still want more
They’re happy they have something.
They don’t get discouraged by the things they lack
If only we knew how to give back.

It’s easy to be grateful
if we realize we have enough.
We can help them gain the things they lack
because there is always a way to give back

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