Impact | Teen Ink


April 15, 2014
By Monica Logroño BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
Monica Logroño BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A phone call, can change your life.
Flip your entire world upside down,
Make you feel like its the end,
Leave you wondering what’s next,
Impact you.

Your family can go from five
To six.
Joined by an extra family member,
That doesn’t belong.
If they were visiting,
Things would be great,
Everything happy,
You know they aren’t “just visiting”
They’re here because they have to be.
A demon that takes over a person you love’s entire mind and body,
It changes them,
Right in front of your eyes.
They aren’t the same.
They don’t want to go out.
Their hair starts to come out.
They don’t want to go to a family dinner.
They don’t even want to celebrate Christmas.
Because it hurts.
Their entire body hurts,
And there’s nothing you can do.
You wish you could take the pain away,
Not make them go through that.
At a certain point, you ask
Why did this have to happen?
This person is one of the greatest I know,
They don’t deserve this
At all.

And finally,
The Cancer wins.
The demon finally gets the last say
And there is nothing you can do.
You sit there,
Powerless and Numb.

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