Paper | Teen Ink


April 24, 2014
By musicgeek1 SILVER, Boise, Idaho
musicgeek1 SILVER, Boise, Idaho
7 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is a dance, love is the music." ~unknown

That tree has stood for many years in silence.
It reaches toward the sky as if trying to get away from the atrocities of the world.
Its branches curl and twist higher and higher but,
No matter how hard it tries it will always be rooted into the ground.
The water it feeds on will always come from the base.
Sometimes I feel like an old tree,
Ready to finally reach the sky but, have grown too tall and no longer get any water.
This makes me realize that, no matter what I do, I will always
Be thankful for the normalcies of everyday, boring, tragic, evil life.
I need it to survive.

The author's comments:
This piece is inspired by one of Anne Frank's diary entries. (Oct 29, 1943)I hope this piece will make people think about our world and the workings of people and their actions. I also hope this will inspire thoughts on the atrocities of the Holocaust.

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