At the age of 16 it’s said you lose a lot of your memories | Teen Ink

At the age of 16 it’s said you lose a lot of your memories

April 28, 2014
By Haley Ohlund BRONZE, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
Haley Ohlund BRONZE, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the age of 16 it’s said you lose a lot of your memories
Little things like your six year old
Or what it was like when your little
Brother or sister was born

You can’t get them back
and you can’t stop yourself from forgetting
they just fade;

into a mush like
your first meal of baby food
blocks of blurred time like the
alphabetical cubes you used to build with

but you wouldn’t remember;
Would you?

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