April 30, 2014
By Alpona SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Alpona SILVER, Mumbai, Other
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Mosquitoes! So many of them!
Proboscis as tough as stem
Better call them by their scientific name- culicidae
One enough to spoil somebody’s day!
A perfect spoilsport indeed
Which can survive in weed or reed.
Culex, Anopheles, Aedes- so many!
Found especially in the rainy.
Be cognizant, there are many more,
Mansonia, Kimiya, Malaya are some of the famous four!
You can count more of their vices instead of virtues
One direct sting could let you loose.
Male anopheles is a vegan as he feeds on leaves
Females are non- vegetarians as they bite a tuck off sleeve!
They are cumbersome, burdensome, troublesome
Oh, I am too vexed to think of all synonyms to come!
God, I encountered with a mosquito again
As I sat down to relieve myself of the pain.
One sting would be miniscule
Frequent repetitions on my face would make me look like a mule.
Pray, stop this beast
To let me doze off this night at least!

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