Sweet, thanks! | Teen Ink

Sweet, thanks!

April 30, 2014
By enziesmer BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
enziesmer BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The young woman stood against the cool counter
Waiting to take their disgusting orders for warmed up freezer food
Their food was not even average, of course it is a sports arena,
Not some high-quality restaurant food
The woman doesn’t even give recommendations

She was daydreaming of the old
Watching the memories of the old them, the old heart song
Play out before her blue-grey eyes after it was over
The happiness, the tears, the late night phone calls
And all she felt was anger over the ending

Then he rushed in, his curly hair hanging in his face
His hands slammed onto the counter with a loud smack
He was late for refereeing the boy’s basketball games
She quickly tossed him the necessary equipment
And he ran onto the courts, his sneakers making a squeaking noise

The two teen girls looked at each other–
And squealed like little girls on a playground
They stood at the window, ignoring the hungry customers
Staring after the cute guy who towered over the young boys
They watched him ref all of the childrens’ games

Then the blonde grabbed a ripped paper and an old pen
She told the brunette to write down her cellular number
The blonde snatched it and wrote the brunette’s name
And added a little smiley face next to it
Before handing it to him with a large water

Sweet, thanks he had called at the blue eyed, brown haired girl
Those words repeated themselves over and over in her head
Singing loudly to keep her attention on him and only him
Repeating to make her remember them forever
And to make her heart pump quickly with anxiety

The vibrating of her phone that hung in her jean’s pocket
Telling her that he was texting actually texting her
The teenagers screamed like maniacs and jumped for joy
It had worked out for once for them,
They had actually gotten a boy’s attention and response

She drove home as quickly as she could
Taking short cuts and driving faster than she should have
She took her phone up her house’s stairs and texted the guy all night
Eager to share with the blonde what was being said
And happy to have finally been noticed and seen

The author's comments:
I actually was the brunette in this situation and my friend was the one who made me give him my number.

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