Hanging With Friends | Teen Ink

Hanging With Friends

May 2, 2014
By Tyledge SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
Tyledge SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk through the crowd
Their boos echo, a terrible sound in my ears it pounds
The people look at the cuffs to which I am bound
They only have hatred, a kind face cannot be found
Their words are piercing knives, for they wish fatality
My mind ponders, why do I deserve such brutality?
Everyone shouts the pain of some terrible, tearful tragedy
My memories are lost friends, who keep me wondering why
"Why did you kill him?" The question seems to fly across the sky
I killed someone? The thought brings sadness to the minds eye
The crowd wants justice for their sorrow, against me who made them cry
The thought my me killing someone, I can only share the thought "why?"
I trudge forward through the sea of hate and tears
I saw a maple tree, and it brought back many fears
My life flashed before me, through fun times and many cheers
What I saw, was a maple, with a man hanging like some decorative tier
My soul is numb with pain and hurt, for they are now bled
I have the sight of the man whose life I sought to end.
I remember being kind, and the hatred in me was rarely shown.
Whose death could have not chilled me down to my bones?
The answer could only be none other than my own.
The memories all come back to my head, their home.
I remember every face that was torn with grief.
Their lives saddened, and with no relief.
My death causing such a ripple, I only had disbelief
Guilt sank more heart and caused it to ache
The people in my life, people I never did appreciate
With resolve in my eyes, I turn and speak to make things right.
I stop mid sentence, for I had already planted a seed.
For all the people had their own ropes and maple trees,
For this sight I caused is something I can never atone
All I have now is the ache of guilt, forever burned in my bones
For now I hang in a tree, forever missing my old home
Even though my friends joined me in hanging in trees
This loneliness is a sight that no eyes should see.

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