The Broken Bond | Teen Ink

The Broken Bond

May 5, 2014
By Saket Sekhsaria BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
Saket Sekhsaria BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A long time ago there was a bond,
Where humans would save the frog’s pond.
In turn the frogs would keep the bio-diversity,
Keeping the wildlife in check, in the jungles and cities.
Then one day the humans decided to make a new pact,
They would make buildings and pollute, stabbing the frogs in the back.
The frogs were helpless; their lives quickly gave away,
200 species have been made extinct in 34 years, so many die every day.
The humans don’t realize, they are the ones losing out,
There are going to be too many insects, much too much to count.
The ecosystem could possibly flip over,
And cause harm all over.
For these frogs do more than that, they absorb the harmful chemicals,
Saving the humans life, indicating which area would suffice.
They do much more than that,
There are so many well known facts.
But alas we kill them for no reason,
We have given them up; we have committed a horrible treason.
But as they say it’s never too late,
Lets save the frogs from now, let’s finally once again be their mate.

The author's comments:
We need to save the frogs or bad things can happen. This is just a poem i wrote to raise awareness.

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