Camping in Wisconsin | Teen Ink

Camping in Wisconsin

May 16, 2014
By Rachel0945 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Rachel0945 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up to the distant sound of a waterfall, or the peeping of a baby bird.
Feeling the cool summer air in the morning.
Smelling the pine trees,
Practically able to taste them.
Seeing the small animals scurry across the forest floor.
The senses of being in the deep woods of northern Wisconsin.

Forests look magical in the fall,

The brightest oranges, yellows,and reds.
Something only expected in magazines or postcards.
But that’s not the best part of nature.

Wyalusing is a sight to see.
Clouds roll into the valley,
like waves crashing on the beach.
Looking over the bluff,
floating on air.

Amnicon Falls is a favorite.
Splashing in the cold waterfalls.
Exploring unique rock formations,
that look posed just for you,
and are forever changing.

Indian Mounds has spectacular sunsets.
The sun sets right over the lake,
and colors streak the sky like a paint on a canvas.
As the sun fades,
everything around you starts to fade away into the darkness.
You drift off to sleep,
You see the most beautiful sight in the world.

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