Technology is Isolationism | Teen Ink

Technology is Isolationism

May 12, 2014
By dementedkush BRONZE, Cadillac, Michigan
dementedkush BRONZE, Cadillac, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

is it so sad,

kids these days?

all these different ways

to get a hold of your dad.

all of these technologies

that I wish I had when I was a kid.

I had books and outdoors.

But the only thing now is who’s at the front door?

But who are we to say who’s there?

the only thing is; to whom do I care?

facebook and twitter and all of these sites,

are driving all of us apart.

robotic we are

driving your car.

looking down at your phone,

checking the time, when all of a sudden

your life flashes by.

but it isn’t your life but another one doing the same,

as both of you collide,

leaving only but shame.

We sit by each other,

but no one is seen.

you feel so lonely,

you only want to scream,

to get out of this illusion

that only technology can do.

Yet all I want

is to talk to you.

There is only one lesson:

to live and let live.

to talk to those around us, to love, and to give.

to those of us who want to do something

for those who are scared.

for those of you who never look up

are dead inside;

zombies who no longer see.

so get off your phone,

and make a stand.

For if you believe in yourself, then indeed you can.

if you just get out,

then we have not lost

all of our faith in man.

so let down your technology,

your minds can achieve much more

than those warped by technology

isolated by lies.

The only thing that technology does

is to steal the sanity of the people who hold power.

because technology is not set, changing all the time.

so why do we all sit so close,

yet so far away at the same time?

Because the government is trying to steal our minds,

to make the United States a dumb place to be

so the government holds power

leaving all of us behind.

looking for he smarter guy,

to look beyond the stars,

but the stars these days are all in our minds;

the minds of all of us; isolated by time.

Time is just an illusion: stop wasting it.

you only live once, so get out there and do,

for if you do not do

the only fault you have is the things you did not.

because we are isolated by technology,

that we put all the time in.

we are all zombies trapped in a societal media.

so if we can get out much each day,

then humanity is here to stay,

for if we do more than the government thinks

then the only power they have, is no real power indeed.

Technology is a distraction; we don’t need it to be successful, or to have fun. When I was a kid, only the basic of technology was available.. I watched my dad playing Super Mario bros.® 3 on the original Nintendo®. I was not allowed to play, because my dad thought it would rot my brain, because I was so little. Good parenting right there! but when my mom’s dad had a heart attack, we moved from North Carolina to Michigan. She bought me and my sister a Playstation® and a Nintendo 64®. For a few years, I would spend countless days in front of a T.V screen playing video games. If I had not been so isolated at that time, instead of getting out and talking to people, I would not be the kid who was too shy to talk to anyone. To this day I still don’t like talking to people, and I still am not good at communicating. If you notice, however, I can get a really well written message across on a computer. This is just one example of why I feel that technology can be damaging to a person’s psyche. I hope this message moves you enough to get out more, and to put down your mobile device, and to just enjoy the world around you. You only live once, so why not enjoy it while you can?

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