Tear Drops of yesterday | Teen Ink

Tear Drops of yesterday

May 17, 2014
By tsongbird SILVER, Waxahachie, Texas
tsongbird SILVER, Waxahachie, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The wise man is the man who knows he doesn't know everything"

It's raining blood clouds of ashen gray
the problems of today's yesterday
and the people shrug and say it'll
be okay
but it's a monster,
things kept piling to high
so much it came toppling down
from the boy's shoulders to the ground
the signs were there
the clouds gathering
the wind picking up
but they ignored it
then BOOM
came the thunder
shouting hear my voice!
then CRASH
came the lightning
screaming see me!
Then it was over; the storm
was gone
a widow weeping
children's curtains forever drawn
empty desks, and empty lawns
all it took was one gun
and a little thing atop a thousand
This is the world.
This is how it is.
Cruel reality or is it?

The author's comments:
I felt really really depressed after listening to alyssa lies (a song)
so i wrote this

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