Nepal | Teen Ink


May 17, 2014
By seor88 BRONZE, Spring Valley, California
seor88 BRONZE, Spring Valley, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all who wander are lost.

There’s a country that’s small
But also most tall
The gem of the Himalayas
I admit I may have a bias
Friends say Namastay
Then go on with their day
Hidden between two Giants
Has the greatest enticements
Trekking through a pass
Crossing an deep crevasse
From Mount Everest up high
To the people who aren’t shy
Sacred temples abound
No better place can be found
From Kathmandu’s bustling streets
To a mountain retreat
Nepal is a true beauty
That will always enchant me

The author's comments:
I will hopefully be volunteering in an orphanage in Nepal this summer and I wrote this to express how excited I am about it. I cant wait to be immersed in a completely different culture than America and to learn all I can from it.

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