I Am Drawn To You | Teen Ink

I Am Drawn To You

May 22, 2014
By MollyDallas BRONZE, Grants Pass, Oregon
MollyDallas BRONZE, Grants Pass, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Like the sun chasing the moon,
I too am drawn to you.
Lighting up my sky,
Your love is my high.
Your smile chases away
The bad parts of any day.
Listen to you talk,
How you speak,
Every word is like a new song,
Sung just for me.
To be in your arms,
Is to be home,
I find my home in your soul.
I live inside your life,
My spark is the sparkle in your eyes.
Those blue eyes,
Like the end of the ocean,
Where the horizon meets the water,
And time stands still.
Like the sun chasing the moon,
I am forever drawn to you.

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