A Distant Memory | Teen Ink

A Distant Memory

May 22, 2014
By Tscott PLATINUM, Noblesville, Indiana
Tscott PLATINUM, Noblesville, Indiana
31 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else."- Les Brown

As the crisp
fall air tickles our faces,
we laugh
and tell the secrets of our lives,
of how the people we love
have broken our hearts,
or how our enemies have been

the brown and red leaves crack
under our feet
like dry skin,
as we walk down an endless road,
trees on both sides of us
speaking with the wind

we walk by a bakery
filled with the smell
of pumpkins,
we walk in to the wonders
of hot chocolate and
pumpkin pie

the smiles on each workers face
shine bright as the sun,
the cheer in their eyes
bursting out through their soles,
love is always here

thats all a distant memorie,
no more laughs from smiling children,
no more secrets to be told,
no more leaves to crack under our gentle feet

and when we walk by that bakery
there is no more smiles,
no more cheer,
no more love,
just the blank stare of a
sad man or woman

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