Then and Now | Teen Ink

Then and Now

May 23, 2014
By Jacob4Peace GOLD, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Jacob4Peace GOLD, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.”

Growing up is a scary thing
It feels like yesterday I was playing red light green light during recess
And today I’m fussing to myself about the fact that the stop light has been
On red for 2 minutes
There is so much to do in my life today
That the times I spent playing curb ball with friends in the neighborhood
Become non existent
As I realize that I have a whole life ahead of me
I sometimes wish that I could go back
Go back to the times when I could wake up on a Saturday morning
And make a bowl of coco puffs and watch cartoons
But now its school, work, bills, you know “Actual Responsibility”
But I know deep down inside
That the child I once was
Is still there
And it’s okay for him to come out from time to time
But I’m an adult now
I have to pay taxes and I get to vote
Like I said it’s SCARY
But even with all this responsibility
I will always hold onto the child I once was
Because this adult was once that child
And that child is now this adult

The author's comments:
I just graduated from High School and I'm going to college in the Fall and it all seems surreal. I wrote this mainly for the people around my age who are experiencing the bumpy road that we travel during the early stages of adulthood. I just want people to remember that even though we are adults now, we still can be a little childish.

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