Vicugna pacos | Teen Ink

Vicugna pacos

May 29, 2014
By l3lessed BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
l3lessed BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Warrior in the dancing flame,
Blanket that comforts the cold,
Shield to pesky allergies,
Luxurious, valuable fiber that holds currency

Disguised in a veil of sheer elegance
Constrained, bound, anchored by sovereignty
Plush, sumptuous fleece spiraling in the egotistical air
Swathed barren, stripped clean
Every last strand,every last pride and vulnerability
Deprived, snip by snip

...But I have no choice but to sit,
Acid bubbling in my stomach,
Ready to spit in disgust.
A mask conceals my sour mouth

Inevitable by the restraint,
The muffled voice is shunned

[ Vicugna pacos swallows the bitterness that forever roars within. ]

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