Saying Goodbye | Teen Ink

Saying Goodbye

June 6, 2014
By Cloaked SILVER, Urbana, Illinois
Cloaked SILVER, Urbana, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm not who I seem to be. I have unlimited masks in my room and skeletons in my closet. Get to know me. And then maybe you'll see the truth.

I watched as you walked away, into those shinning lights. You soon won them over with your eyes, your smile, your voice, and by being who you really are.
But then the lights got brighter, bright enough to push me into the shadows and away from your sight and memory.
Now I watch from the distance as you change into someone new, forgetting who you truly are.
And slowly I stop caring.
I find myself happy we've never met, and never will.
So I'm saying goodbye before we say hello.

The author's comments:
A very personal poem i have decided to share.

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