The Kitchen Sink | Teen Ink

The Kitchen Sink

June 12, 2014
By Kileigh Erickson BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
Kileigh Erickson BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The kitchen sink.
Located in the center of the kitchen,
it’s the place that receives the most… crap.
From dirty dishes to crumbs galore,
the sink never really sparkles clean.
Water spots speckle the faucet,
the drain is full,
and annoying gray marks from the bottom of pans accentuates the pearly porcelain.
A dirty dish cloth hangs over the middle
and the hand soap perches on the wet corner.

Nevertheless, it’s a listener.
You dump your problems,
your laziness,
your nastiness,
and the sink takes it,
accepts it with openness
and helps to wipe you clean of your previous misfortunes.

Your dirty hands
covered by the dirt that you call
and failure
cannot be made clean without the assistance of the sink’s running water

That dirt is not healthy.
Those germs are unsanitary.
So why do you hold on to the memories that live on your hands?
Why do you refuse to let your fingers slide in the slippery soap?
That mud under your fingernails
that’s been building up for who knows how long
doesn’t have to stay.
Just let it go.
It’s simple.
Wet. Scrub. Rinse. and Repeat.

It will never tell on you.
It will never judge you.
It will never refuse to help.
It will simply listen,
take away your sorrows,
your frets, and your pent up frustration.
It’s wet warmth will cover those trials
and the soap will wipe away the unwanted memories,
leaving you with clean hands
and just another dirty kitchen sink.

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