Jar of Stars | Teen Ink

Jar of Stars

July 1, 2014
By emilywrites BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
emilywrites BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The ocean laps at the shore
day in, day out.
I lay here
underneath the glistening stars
not moving.
but I am content.
footsteps pound around me
and I block them out
until I am picked up
and thrown.
I land in the water with a soft splash
I slowly sink to the bottom
where a new world awaits
It’s dark
But that doesn’t
have any affect
on me.
I remember a long time ago,
I was broken.
Tossed around until only one small piece
of me remained.
Once so bright,
I am now blank.
People don’t like me
But day in, day out.
I am getting smaller
and somehow softer
more pleasant to the touch.
And I am not such a cruel thing now.
But here I am
at the bottom of the ocean
I know where this will lead
It has happened many times before
And soon enough,
when the light of day is returning
the sun shining it’s rays down upon us
I feel a tremor.
A shaking.
I float away
and rise up
Then all of a sudden
I surge forward
crashing down
upon land
once again.
I now have a different form
different name
I am not
or shining
but I now
come from the sea.
Sea glass.
That is what I am
and that is what I will be,
day in, and day out

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