Farewells | Teen Ink


July 1, 2014
By brendanmott SILVER, Destrehan, Louisiana
brendanmott SILVER, Destrehan, Louisiana
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Farewells are bittersweet
As long as you live
There's no escape
Feeling sadness is life
But as long as you live
The future is a blank page
Feeling happiness is life
But as long as you live
The past is in the past
Feeling rage is life
But as long as you live
You can let go

The author's comments:
My cousins were leaving for the summer, so I made this poem about how people feel about other people leaving them, whether it them being leaving temporarily or dying. You have sadness & rage, but also have happiness of the past, but the issue is that it is the past.

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