Grand Heaven Station | Teen Ink

Grand Heaven Station

July 9, 2014
By robyn.peppey BRONZE, Tustin, Michigan
robyn.peppey BRONZE, Tustin, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do or do not, there is no try. -Yoda

You got on that rain and took off,
With no beauty, just lay, skin and bone.

On that train, they say you traveled
Through now you lay deep down; graveled.

Oh so brave, you took the plunge
We all felt our hearts take a deep lunge.

You left us all broken with a tear.
It hurts to look in the mirror.

Your love always deep,
Forever I shall keep.

The memory of the look,
And the grasp on my hand.

You have gone away,
Nine months today.

Heaven really does take the best,
Leaves them holding at rest.

Oh I remember that very last squeeze,
That made my heart freeze.

That train took you into the sun,
And all I could do was run.

The author's comments:
My 86 year old great uncle died, he was my inspiration, my teacher, and my biggest fan at everything I did, and do.

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