Thought Warfare | Teen Ink

Thought Warfare

August 20, 2014
By Jacob4Peace GOLD, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Jacob4Peace GOLD, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.”


The mind is a battlefield my friends


And a crazy one at that


Our minds are so vast, yet so small at the same time


Right now there is a war going on in your mind


And you probably don't even know it


So let me paint a picture for you, in words of course


You're sitting down at your desk


And you pop open your new laptop you just bought %10 off at best buy


You are so excited and you can't wait to customize it and do what ever you do on your laptops


So you make a password for your computer


But once you enter it, it says wrong try again


And you're like “What?!?”


How could this be wrong when its my computer


And I want to protect it with a code like catlover123


Well I'll tell you why because someone thought that your thought of a password


Isn't thoughtful enough to protect your computer


So they give you a list of thoughts that they thought would be a better way to think of a password to protect your computer


But of course your thoughts are different than their thoughts so there will be some sort conflict


But you still want to protect your computer so you go along with their thoughts and think of a password according to their guidelines


You end up with something like CaTlover353 by the time your finished


And you decide to hop on facebook to see the thoughts about thoughts of other people


And as you're scrolling down through all the thoughts, you see an article


It says “Death penalty, Now Illegal in the United States”


So of course your first thought is to click on the link


And once you read about all the thoughts on the topic from the author


You scroll down to look at the thoughts of all the people who commented on the article


You scroll through tons of thoughts


And you get the urge to express your thoughts in the comment section because there are people who disagree with your thoughts


So you pound away at your keyboard with your thoughts flowing through your arms and out through you finger tips to make your thoughts visible.


But Wait. Now It is no longer considered a thought but instead a piece of writing


And people forget that that piece of writing was once in someones head floating around


Fighting with one thought after another


From your mind and others


But that's okay


Our thoughts are what makes us human and alive


We can think and it can get confusing sometimes


It can seem like a battlefield


But that's okay too


Because we all have a war going on in our minds


A war that needs to be fought


But its not okay to think the same way as someone else


Just so you can “Fit in” or be “Cool”


Because it causes us to become programed to a society that isn't looking out for us


But rather for the rich and the powerful


Just so they can become more rich and powerful


So its okay to make some allies along the way


But don't turn over your guns or wave the white flag


Because then a genocide will occur


A genocide of thoughts


And Instead of shooting guns


Their will be people telling you this is okay and that's not


Don't let them control you


Take control of yourself


And use your Thought Warfare


Its an arsenal that will be with you forever



The author's comments:

Something I wrote because I felt like it needed to be out of my brain and in written form.

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