Her Shoe | Teen Ink

Her Shoe

August 24, 2014
By Jelises SILVER, Saint Louis, Missouri
Jelises SILVER, Saint Louis, Missouri
7 articles 3 photos 0 comments

I could get lost in your shoe,


I'd rather get lost in your lips and your eyes,

In your voice and your smile,

In your sweet lullabies.


I could get lost in your shoe,


But I'd rather get lost in your anger and fury,

Your lust and your beauty.

Your soft hate depression,

Your viewer discretion,

Your stupid f***ing obsessions.


I could get lost in your shoe,

The shape, the edgesm

The color, the design.


And maybe now I know,

I'd rather waste my gaze on the wear,

Not the wearer,

Because the wear can kick and stomp,

Even break a few bones,

But the wearer...

You don't even want to know.

The author's comments:

I couldn't help but stare blankly at her shoe, from the lack of courage to look her in the eyes. This is what it came down to.

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