Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2014
By Courtneyellen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Courtneyellen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from hours in a gym
wanting to be best
From learning the alphabet and nap time
         to aches and pains and falling on my face
A gymnast in the making

I am from  car rides
“Are we there yet?”
From the town of Merton
to my home away from home
Ice cream and bike rides, even shopping
   the annual Door County trip

I am from thanksgiving
     and a birthday sharing a day
Family and friends
   Turkey and mashed potatoes

I am from singing in the shower
      and dancing in the rain
Swimming in my grandpas pool
      and Rugrats on rerun

I am from catching fireflies
      and playing night games 
Baking cakes in my easy bake oven
       and Shrinky Dinks too

I am from big dreams
     and only taking yes for an answer
An olympian, a singer
     and maybe even a fashion designer

I am from anything is possible
     and never giving up
Being the best I can be
    at everything and anything

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