Ocean | Teen Ink


October 14, 2014
By Ryan Miller BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
Ryan Miller BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The inordinately obstreperous spirit of the water took me away. I floated. Suspended atop a wave, I undulated. No land was in sight; neither here nor there, or even under there. We moved together as one body. One mind. One soul. I could not stay forever. I could not hold any longer. The tranquility seeped from my soma and unfurled back into the calm waves with no more than a ripple. But, The Creator did not want my tranquility. The Creator did not yearn for my body. The Creator wanted my being, unabridged. He was ingenuous. He would not be bested. But if I were to stay, I would be deprived of my existence. This only provoked him further. The altercation ensued, the waves thrashed, and I was hauled under.

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