leaving | Teen Ink


October 24, 2014
By sirien SILVER, Coldwater, Ohio
sirien SILVER, Coldwater, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
work hard play harder

 i sit here in the light of the world
and all i see is dark shadows
all colors just blend together
in a blur
speeding past my eyes
spinning round and round making me dizzy
my eyes and brain try to slow things down
process them
it works for a while
then it picks up the pace
and i am lost once more
i hold on only to be knocked down
i fall into a deep void
reaching out
wanting to be saved
to be saved
who knew there could be joy in sorrow
and love in hate
and beauty and darkness
i see your face and hear your voice
and i can only think
of all the hateful
things you said
you smile but it drips with venom
you wait to strike when i am most vulnerable
you hit a low and hard blow
you will leave and not think twice about it
but with that i am not hurt
i am glad you will be leaving
its for the best
yes you made me who
i am
you make me
how strong i am
but without you here
i can finally breathe
i am free to feel
once again
i can slowly start living again
brining my dead spirit back to life
so you leaving is the best thing 

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This article has 1 comment.

-Mavis- BRONZE said...
on Oct. 27 2015 at 4:11 pm
-Mavis- BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;pretty words are worth being cynical over, for they are just baits to be caught in the moment.&quot; -mavi<br /> <br /> &quot;What exactly would change if I cried, wanted revenge, was consumed by hatred, or went insane with rage?&quot; -Yoshino <br /> <br /> &quot;I am your shadow. Worry not for if your light is dim, I will become darker so that you can become more defined.&ldquo; -mavi<br /> <br /> &quot;We create beautiful things to mask what we destroyed in order to create such.&rdquo; -mavi

I love the meaning in this, and the way you spaced things out and the diction was well done. I like how your able to set the mood. Keep writing .