Unforgettable Dreams | Teen Ink

Unforgettable Dreams

October 25, 2014
By thecrookedneighbor SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
thecrookedneighbor SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We sleep and dream of other worlds,
swimming through the clouds of wet dew.
I can feel the rainbow running in my veins.
Dig deep into my skins, under the seeping blood.
Maybe you can find a pot of gold.
Don't wake me up from my slumber.
Let me sleep and feel like I mean something.
On the wings of a butterfly, I hope you find me.
I can only hold on for a moment longer.
Before I slip and stumble and lose you forever.
Your grasp against my skin stuns me.
Life was worthless in an instant.
I felt your skin touch mine
and now everything means nothing.
All other meaning is forgotten.
And it's only you.
But soon my eyes will open, and I'll find it
was nothing but a figment of a dream.
When I felt your hand around my wrist
and the spark of when our lips touched,
I already miss the warmth of your skin
against mine.
Next time please,
don't wake me up.

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