Purple Heart | Teen Ink

Purple Heart

November 3, 2014
By YaniMC SILVER, Scotia, New York
YaniMC SILVER, Scotia, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be the change you wish to see in the world&quot;<br /> -Gandhi

why would I experience jealousy?
i know not of love,
or the desire               the necessity.

I don't want to experience love,
or the hate that follows.

Love & Pain
forever in vain.

i tell myself, i am not ready,
its not right,
never worth it,
yet the desire still resides.

Girls like Boys.
exist too.

love is not black and white,
nor gray.
Nor is it the company through out the day.
Love is unique in every way,
each form of love has its own name.

love is not red,                 like anger or hate,
not blue like                                        sadness and disappointment.
Love is purple,
the place in between.
lavenders                 and violets and                  periwinkles and every other                     shade.

Love is unique.

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