Misery | Teen Ink


November 4, 2014
By Lauren_Platero SILVER, Barnegat, New Jersey
Lauren_Platero SILVER, Barnegat, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How could I know what could have been,
after all this time you never let me in.

The thought of you haunts me every time I close my eyes,
and I just don't know how to make this feeling die.

How you can expect me to simply move on with my life,
while the pain inside cuts like a knife.

Tossing and turning all night long,
became an action of habit like the rhyme in a song.

I know over time the memories will fade,
but for right now none have gone away.

So from here on out I'll try to understand,
as the pieces of my heart lie in your hands.

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