Stained | Teen Ink


November 6, 2014
By Andrea2001 SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
Andrea2001 SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Music is life; that's why our hearts have beats.

It showed through.

Found its way to you.

Hope was lost.

I was tossed

in and out of your way.

Forever my price I will pay.

Apologies seem due.

The slightest thought of you

sends me spinning 'round.

Makes me want to drown.

By you I'm stained.

I wish the pain would somehow be drained.

The author's comments:

My crush doesn't like me and he found out that I like him. He'ss been a jerk ever since, but I can't get over him.

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