Jealous | Teen Ink


November 7, 2014
By Nicholas Altonen BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
Nicholas Altonen BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I came to greet you
when you got home,
just like always, but this time
you carried something weird, gray, and fluffy. 

Wait, a cat?! Oh, why?
Why would you get a cat?
Well, that’s it.
I’m not going to talk to you. Goodbye.

I see you playing with that cat.
I can’t believe you actually got that animal.

I must show you cats are bad; dogs are superior.
Oh, dang it sees me! It’s coming over.
NOOO- oh it’s purring. This is kind of nice.
Well, I guess I can tolerate you cat.
You aren’t so bad.


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