A Love Poem | Teen Ink

A Love Poem

October 23, 2014
By darkdreamer17 SILVER, Plainsboro, New Jersey
darkdreamer17 SILVER, Plainsboro, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Knowledge will give you power, but character - respect." - Bruce Lee

I didn’t realize how much I would miss you
The image of your jet-black hair
Your sea green eyes
A true son of the sea god

I know you have a girlfriend
But don’t worry
I never had a crush on you

But you were my hero
You always were
Without you
I don’t know what I would have done

I met you when I was ten
But you don’t know me

Your story hadn’t ended yet
But its over now

I miss your voice
With its humor and care
Sarcasm and determination
Your leadership is admirable
Your loyalty indestructible

I want to hear your words again
Filling up page after page
Chapter after chapter

When it wasn’t a ballpoint pen in your pocket
You carried your sword
Your gleaming bronze sword

You were a hero
Useful to your allies
Dangerous to your enemies
You killed many monsters
You made many friends
You broke many hearts
Saving the world again and again

You were not the lightning thief
Yoe sailed the Sea of Monsters
You journeyed through the Labyrinth
You were burdened with the Titan’s curse
You saved the world

I was sad then when the first series of your life ended -
But I knew that I would see you again

I was scared when you disappeared
Then excited when you came back
I never thought bad of you
Even when you weren’t yourself
You’ve been to Hell and back
And yet you managed to save the world again

I remember holding your story in my hands
I’ve read them to myself again and again
Now that you’re gone
I don’t know how I will bring myself to look back at your past

You were my refuge
The source of my cheerfulness in a dark time
You kept happiness in me
At a time when I was desperately in need
For something good

It seems so long ago
The start of your journey
You’ve changed so much
And I’ve been watching you the whole way
Now you’re gone

I underestimated how much I would miss you
How much I relied on you
Your absence has left a hole in me
And I don’t know how to fill it

But I’m so thankful for you
That I had you when I didn’t have anyone else
That I had your tales to look forward to

You are a true hero, Percy Jackson.
You always will be.

The author's comments:

If you have not guessed - I'm a HUGE fan of Percy Jackson - as well as the author's, Rick Riordan's, other work. But Percy Jackson and the Olympians was the first series of his that I ever read - and I 've been and obsessed fangirl for years. I was devastated when the last book of The Heroes of Olympus series came out, because according to Rick, that was going to be the last adventure involving Percy and his friends for now. I loved the ending, but if you haven't noticed, I miss those books dearly.

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