All gone | Teen Ink

All gone

November 9, 2014
By Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was a place for you in be but you abandoned it
It sucks to say I still visited to see if you had returned
You found a new place
A better one
Of course the one next door
The one that's somewhat like me but just fully restored
The home I  provided was broken and chipping away
You couldn't stay there for long I understand but deep down I wish you would of
She kept you warm and busy but she'd leave every time she could
I never did that to you and I think you're starting to notice
I always stood by you broken or fixed
Now you're wondering if she's ever coming back...
And you came to visit your old house
Again. I stood by you.
I'm just hoping you don't break me like you did before
Because if you haven't noticed this house is still chipping due to your last visits..

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