Invisible | Teen Ink


November 13, 2014
By Andrea2001 SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
Andrea2001 SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Music is life; that's why our hearts have beats.

It’s as though he sees right through me
I’m lost in the big blue sea
She’s the only lover for his love
but God gave me grace from above
I look at him; he looks away
I never know what I should say
He’s so incredible
all I am is invisible

The author's comments:

Okay. Hate to admit it, but I'm in seventh grade and I started liking a boy in fifth grade. He's the only person I've ever liked and I still do like him. I don't know what it is; I just can't get over him.

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