Remember Us? | Teen Ink

Remember Us?

October 31, 2014
By Amelia_West_ BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Amelia_West_ BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best way to find out if you can trust someone, is to trust them." -Ernest hemingway

Remember those days?
Remember when we would play,
Ken and Barbie didn’t mind the soap in their hair
Bath time was almost over anyways.
Remember those days?
When you and I would stay up and play
the game where blankets were our nest
and the pillows our eggs?
When we color coded pink as mine and purple was yours.
Do you even remember those day?
Back when as far as we cared babies were born purely from love
And grandma died because she had too many wrinkles on her face.
When scrapes were battle scars
From the monkey bars we couldn’t finish fighting yesterday
But now we stand with pride
and stare at the beautiful prize that was the blood on our lips we’d taste,
Remember those days?
Now we stand fighting in front of the mirror reflecting two teenage girls
Rushing to damage their hair and cover their face?
We used to share a room,
Now we can barley share the air we breath.
For every breath makes the tension thicker and thicker
Until finally it explodes in violent words and flying arms
The fights that not even mom can break.
Remember those days,
When I was happy to teach you to whistle,
If you would teach me to blow bubbles with gum.
Remember when the only reason I learned how to tie my shoes
was because I wanted to run as fast as you.
Yet the only race we really ran,
Was too see who would grow up faster.
Remember those days?
Christmas meant whoever wakes up first, woke the other up too.
How each fragile  purple box was written with the beautiful John Hancock of Santa himslef.
I remember.
I remember every year it got harder and harder to wake you up,
until finally you didn’t.
Finally I learned not to even try
Because if I did,
You would yell.
I remember
How your obsession with purple was replaced with gloves and bats.
How summers went from swimming in the pool to watching your softball games.
I remember
When I told mom black was the new pink
In a desperate effort to match your uniform.
How I didn’t play with Baby Emily anymore,
Because you said dolls were for babies.
Polly Pockets became nail polish,
Purple dresses became grey T-Shirts.
You remember
When I told you I didn’t want you to wear makeup
Because you looked overly cliché
We didn’t talk for 3 days.
You remember
Wearing my clothes, using my jewelry, stealing my shoes.
I was reduced to taking revenge by playing the silent game.
What a stupid game.
We remember
How we never talk in the mornings since we always wake up mad.
How everything we do makes us hate each other even more.
The ways we fight.
The words we swore would never do more than sit in our thoughts yet come flying off our tongues faster than we can come up with a way to say “I’m sorry.”
Is this us?
Why can’t we go back to being young.
Back when what we wore didn’t matter,
Or music wasn’t a daily battle to be fought.
Back when grudges were no more than a phrase from the good book,
That we listened to but never considered, for every mistake was water under the bridge with us.
Let’s go back; Just you and me
Let’s be kids.
Let’s be the Dueling-Duo the whole world knew by name.
Cars can be giant bugs, because we’ve just shrunk down to the size of ants!
Angels can get sad enough to cry and that’s why it rains.
Clouds are made in smoke stacks, for why else would they build them?
Let’s remember our roots and go back in time.
The fridge was bought so that Daddy could give us the box-canvas Mama’s markers so badly craved.
The hill in the back yard can be a Jumbo Caterpillar that’s hibernating underground.
Let’s remember how we hide the buried treasure behind it,
And go back to dig it up.
Let’s pull out the ring pop I tucked inside because I remembered grape was your favorite flavor;
Just because it was purple.

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