Life Cycle | Teen Ink

Life Cycle

November 3, 2014
By CameronDel BRONZE, Wharton, New Jersey
CameronDel BRONZE, Wharton, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crawling, crying, whimpering, weeping,
a new life is born.
Completely new, it’s not yet worn,
many watch us for safekeeping.

Running, playing, laughing, disobeying,
we run and play all day.
We could run to Santa Fe.
We’ll even play if the sky is graying.

Working, aging, maturing, waning,
we work and work and have no time left,
a lack of money pushing us to theft.
Our time of death is rapidly gaining.

Dying, crumpling, death knocking at the door,
no more trips to the candy store.
The life leaves us slowly gradually and everyone mourns,
until a new life is born.

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