Faked | Teen Ink


November 14, 2014
By Andrea2001 SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
Andrea2001 SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Music is life; that's why our hearts have beats.

The friends I used to have
see me and turn away.
It’s as though it was all
Well, that’s because it was!
They felt bad for me!
Having no friends,
never have been in school.
That was all!
It was sympathy!
They wanted to meet the new girl.
See if she was worth a friendship!
But it fell through!
I’m not good enough!
I’m not like most people!
I’m a nerd!
A loser!
Nobody cares how I feel!
They see an opportunity and knock me down!
Sure, I don’t like anything but 100 on tests!
So what, though?
Am I really that different?
They don’t look past the smiles!
The outside isn’t everything!
They don’t know about my life,
Or what happens to me!
It’s all fake!
The laughs,
The smiles,
The friendships.
All of it is none but

The author's comments:

I started school for the first time halfway through fourth grade and people were really rude to me. At first they wanted to meet "the new girl" but then they realized that I'm not the same so whatever!

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