Wind Dancer | Teen Ink

Wind Dancer

December 2, 2014
By McSparks SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
McSparks SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
8 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be careful what you wish for - it might just come true.

Come with me.


Listen to the voice of the world,
It murmurs my name in the trees
It whispers through the grass.
Through the giggling brookes, you can hear it -

Follow the Wind Dancer.


An unseen hand tussling your hair,
A faint laugh of pure joy,
It is the voice of the Wind Dancer.


Come with the Wind Dancer.


Leave your sorrow
Leave your pain
Leave everything behind
Shout “Allons-y!”
And come with me.


Come join the Wind Dancer.


Make a wish,
Click your heels,
Whisper a call for help
And the Wind Dancer will come


Come chase the Wind Dancer


Fly above the ground,
Graze against treetops,
Follow the birdsong
And dance into the silence


But once you follow the Wind Dancer, there is no going back.

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