Farwell Dodo Bird | Teen Ink

Farwell Dodo Bird

December 4, 2014
By Courtneyellen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Courtneyellen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A shortened life, and forever goodbye.

As the egg breaks, a new life begins
Madagascar provides home to a beauty in feathers
A sizable bodied, stubby winged allure.

A shortened life, and a forever goodbye.

A flightless bird on a exquisite island
from the tropical rainforest to the central highlands
more than 260 species calling this place home.

A shortened life, and a forever goodbye.

Fearless of society and unafraid of the future
Supplying life to the Tambalacoque tree
Laying one egg and providing life.
A shortened life, and a forever goodbye.

We took their lives, our species indeed
Inhabiting their land and stealing their future
Farwell, Dodo Bird.

A shortened life, and a forever goodbye. 

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The Dodo Bird 

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