Mammoth | Teen Ink


December 4, 2014
By courtneyg SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
courtneyg SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A gentle being, of a simpler time.
A body built for cold,
meant for pastures of white.
The green of the new world arrives,
no warning given.
This they knew-
They could not stay here.

A gentle being, of a simpler time.
A new journey begins,
The search for a new life.
They come across a new creature,
Smaller than they,
They wield new power.
The hunter becomes the hunted.

A gentle being, of a simpler time.
Stories told, etched on a dark and dingy wall.
One by one they fall.
Their time now ended.
The end of something great; the end of an era.
The bones they leave behind-
The only clues of their time.

A gentle being, of a simpler time.
Their bones now on display,
for the world to see.
Their stories told,
their time not forgotten.

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