Raised by Simtustus | Teen Ink

Raised by Simtustus

December 11, 2014
By Adelynn BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
Adelynn BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was raised by cliff jumping,
Paddle boarding,
Huge hill hiking,
“Let's go swim to those big rocks and back,”
Kind of people.

Some rock painting,
Vibrant tie dying,
Sage cutting,   
“Bring your own jars, we're making lanterns,”
Kind of people.

Some game playing,
Card dealing,
Frisbee throwing,
“I’m in next round,”
Kind of people.

Some marshmallow roasting,
Scary story telling,
Mafia playing,
“What’s your spirit animal?”
Kind of people.

Some star gazing,
Night walking,
Memory making,
“Let's go to the boat docks,”
Kind of people.

I was raised by Simtustus

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