To You | Teen Ink

To You

December 5, 2014
By Hmstark BRONZE, Falmouth, Maine
Hmstark BRONZE, Falmouth, Maine
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I rest upon the willow tree
I wait and watch
Being me
The sun shines
The heat arise
A sign of greatness
A sign of demise

No family to love
No soul to care
Look above
Life will never truly be fair

My dad saw what I could not
He saw peace in people
The ones who have fought
He told me once
Spirits will surround
I am still waiting for his to come to this ground

We dug a hole and planted a tree
The only object that can describe me
A bird would greet us
Singing, free
The leaves would fall
Over our knees
A grin would spread across my face
No other moment could take its place

Every morning I would visit the tree
The bird would come with my dad and me
We would laugh and cheer
For the life was ours
It lacked a slightest fear

Our world was simple
Our world was kind
Our world was perfect
In my mind

My dad was the man all would envy
Blonde with blue eyes
Eyes like mine that never would cry
He always seemed so pure
Though I could barely judge
Our happiness was my only cure

He has been gone
He is doing right
He is showing bravery
Prepared to fight
Every moment waiting and wishing
Every moment waiting and missing
Every moment waiting for his return
Every moment my heart fading
Constantly in a yearn

I love the warmth of his hands
When he used to grab me tight
His comforting words throughout the night

I know you're out there serving me
I know you were out there serving me
I heard your faith and my mothers’ tears
I know you struggled through the years
I know you always put yourself ahead
I know you always saved me
No matter where I may be

You did the right
Oh do I miss you so
Though I could not be happier
With you to always show as a part of me
That will always be

I never thought it could be true
That today I would compose this letter to you
As you fly above my head
I sit here alone in my empty bed
waiting for your return
or closer my arrival
at the place you now call home
It will not be long before I call it home.

The author's comments:

This piece was written on Veteren's day of 2013 to remember and honor the strength of both the serving and the served.

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