Dear Cedric | Teen Ink

Dear Cedric

December 7, 2014
By Cedric Smith BRONZE, Valentines, Virginia
Cedric Smith BRONZE, Valentines, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Cedric,
I am writing this so if you ever lose sight of your dreams or feel like the world is crashing down on you, you can read this and be reminded of your greatness. You are kind and gentle to those you love. You are strong minded and courageous. In life you will fail, but you will never give up. Even champions lose every now and then. You are a handsome prince; God took his time just to make you. The world is filled with so many people, but God only made one of you. Despite the obstacles ahead, despite your enemies, and despite the nonbelievers, you will be great. You will be all that God has destined you to be if you work hard and give your all in everything you do. Are you willing to be as great as Cedric can be?

The author's comments:

wrote this to myself when i felt like giving up on everything.

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