Coming Of Age | Teen Ink

Coming Of Age

December 8, 2014
By HayleyAbshear SILVER, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
HayleyAbshear SILVER, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To be great is to be misunderstood"

5 years old and
I got a new toy from my mother
And my father calls me princess
I met a new friend down the street and
We play with a lot of dolls

7 years old and
I got a new purse from my mother
My father gives me a mere smile
I met more friends down the street and
We play with a lot of dolls.

11 years old and
I got a new bra from my mother
And my father doesn’t call me princess much anymore
My new friends down the street have been shopping in their mother’s closets and
We don’t play with a lot of dolls anymore

13 years old and
My mother gave me a new home
And my Father doesn’t have one
My new friends discovered poison and
I don’t see them anymore.

14 years old and
There’s nothing new from my mother
And I’ve discovered poison
I met a high school boy in the high school halls
And we don’t talk anymore

15 years old and
My mother got a new boyfriend along with a new self worth
And the poison is kicking in
I met some new and old parallel regrets across my limbs
And I spend most of my days alone

16 years old and
My mother is my hero
And I have no more poison in my veins
I met some new ambitions
And I am not sad anymore.

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