The Shot | Teen Ink

The Shot

December 12, 2014
By Jarmany.Louis BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Jarmany.Louis BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't Be Looked As Who You Were, Be Looked On As Who You Will Be
~Jarmany Louis

As I'm Driving in to the Paint I'm Fouled
Not Mentally But Physically
My Body Filled With Anger As I Scowled
I Wanted To Cry
But I Couldn't
My Tongue So Very Dry
It Was Hard To Believe I Was Still Breathing
My Body Had Its Own Warfare
My Mind Telling Me To Keep Playing But My Body Giving Up
Barely Breathing I was Letting Out Too Much Air 
As I Got up I Was Furious About What Happened
I Make My Way To The Foul Line
My First Shot Didn't Even Hit Rim
Coach Looked At Me Like I Had Committed A Crime
As I Took The Next Shot It Swished 

The author's comments:

I hope to get people to feel what i had felt.

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