My Most Favorite Sport | Teen Ink

My Most Favorite Sport

December 11, 2014
By Ashley LeConti BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Ashley LeConti BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wish I was here sooner.

I’m finally here,
where I missed a whole season because of my aching red cut which is almost healed.

Where I had to sit on the warm grass and watch others do what I love to do most.

I am finally here,
where I was so proud of myself for hitting that neon yellow ball over the fence at Farrel field number one on that hot summer day.

I love the feeling when I get a hit because everyone is cheering for me,
and I feel like I’m making someone that I haven’t met yet proud.

That makes me feel great,
that someone somewhere is smiley.

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